Japan Argo Real Time Data Base is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) for the real time distribution of Argo Profiling Float data.
Japan Argo Delayed-mode Data Base is operated by Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC) for the distribution of the delayed mode high quality Argo Profiling Float data.
- Profiling Float data
- The official version of the Argo data resides on the global servers operated by Coriolis/IFREMER/France and USGODAE/FNMOC/USA. Japan Argo Real Time Data Base doesn't provide official version but displays GTS data. Users are encouraged to have access to the official version through the global servers.
- GTS data (TS vertical profile image and WMO code FM94:BUFR)
- New Deployments of the Argo Float
- Status of Japan Argo floats
- Oceanographical Products
- Links
Correspondence to the database operator should be addressed to