JMA Products README This directory contains JMA's oceanography products. The common rules are explained here and more precise information for each product is included in README of each directory. The names of directories and files are decided according to the following rules; Name of directory: [method]_[param]_[area]_[term] File name: (re_)[method]_[param]_[area]_[term][date].txt(.gz) The meaning of each abbreviation is; method: the method used to produce the products cobe2: Centennial in situ Observation-Based Estimates of the Variability of SST and Marine Meteorological Variables, version 2 (COBE-SST2) mgd: Merged satellite and in-situ data Global Daily Sea Surface Temperature (MGDSST) him: High resolution Merged satellite and in-situ data Sea Surface Temperature (HIMSST) npr: NPR-4DVAR, the data assimilation component of the JMA's operational system for monitoring and forecasting coastal and open-ocean states around Japan (MOVE/MRI.COM-JPN) move: Meteorological Research Institute Multivariate Ocean Variational Estimation system (MOVE/MRI.COM) alt: objective analysis using SSH anomalies observed by satellite altimaters param: parameters sst: sea surface temperature subc: subsurface current subt: subsurface temperature ssh: sea surface height ssha: sea surface height anomaly area: area included in the product glb: global pac: pacific jpn: the seas around Japan term: term of mean M: monthly mean T: ten-day mean D: daily mean date: date of the target Files ending with the extension '.gz' are compressed by the gzip utility. The gzip home page '' should be referred for the details about the gzip utility. The files which names starting with 're_' are the reanalysis data. Directory structure is; [method]_[param]_[area]_[term] |__README |__YYYY (year, e.g. 2013) |__(re_)[method]_[param]_[area]_[term][date].txt(.gz) |__ : : : For further information, please contact to administrator of the Regional Real Time Data Base at