Monthly Report for July 2022

Updated on 26 Sep. 2022

 This report outlines the results of comparison between observation data and the outcomes of assimilation performed by JMA. The targets are SOOP line observations, which are made during the month. JMA uses BATHY and TESAC reports collected via GTS (the Global Telecommunication System).

Vessel-based observation in July 2022

Ship nameObservation lineObservation dates
NORTHWEST SANDPIPERPX112022/6/30 - 2022/7/5

Method for comparing observation data with the result of assimilation

 First, observation data collected by JMA via GTS (the Global Telecommunication System) are subjected to a set of quality control procedures, and erroneous data are removed based on the results (more information on QC is available on the quality control procedures page).
 Next, the quality-checked data are converted to vertically standard level data using spline interpolation. A total of 351 standard levels are set for the interpolation from 1 m to 1,000 m in depth with intervals of 2 m above 500 m and 5 m below this level. Observations made outside the model area of coverage are also excluded from the comparison.
 Finally, the interpolated observation data are compared with the result of assimilation, and related statistics are calculated.