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Ensemble Model Prediction
> Hindcast(Global EPS)
Verifications of Global EPS for one-month prediction using its Hindcast
Hindcast Verification
Bias map (Mean error map)
Northern hemisphere map
Global map
Zonal mean map
Hindcast maps for every initial date
Northern hemisphere map
Global map
Verification score
Time-series Circulation Index
Verification Score Maps
Variables to be Assessed: RAIN, Z500, T850, SLP, CHI200, PSI200, PSI850
Diagonostic Measures:
Anomaly Correlation(ACOR)
Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)
Specifications of the hindcast
Model: JMA-GSM
Resolution: TQ479L128 (up to 18 days) , TQ319L128 (after 18 days)
Target period for verification: 1991-2020
Ensemble size: 13
Initial condition (Atmosphere): JRA-3Q
Initial condition (Land): Land surface values estimated with the land-surface model in the Global EPS using atmospheric forcing from JRA-3Q
Verification data
Precipitation (RAIN) : GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project) precipitation dataset (version 2.3)
Atmospheric Analysis (such as Z500 and T850): JRA-3Q
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