Updated on 5 Mar. 2024
Japan Meteorological Agency
The column inventory rates of oceanic carbon dioxide (CO2) between the sea surface and 27.2σθ (a depth of about 1000m) along 137°E, 165°E and 24°N are approximately 5–11, 4–11 and 7–10 tC·km-2·y-1, respectively.
Column inventory rates of oceanic CO2 between the sea surface and 27.2σθ (a depth of about 1000m) along 137°E, 165°E and 24°N. Error bars denote a 95% confidence level.
The column inventory rates of anthropogenic CO2 in the western North Pacific were estimated as 4–8 tC·km-2·y-1 using high-quality hydrographic section data sets from the 1990s and 2000s (Kouketsu et al., 2013).
The column inventory rates of oceanic CO2 (Canth.) were estimated using long-term time-series data on dissolved inorganic carbon since the 1990s (Ishii et al., 2010).
The column inventory rates of oceanic CO2 between the sea surface and 27.2σθ along 137°E, 165°E and 24°N are approximately 5–11, 4–11 and 7–10 tC·km-2·y-1, respectively. The rates around 20–30°N are higher than those at other latitudes.
Long-term trend of preformed nDIC on isopycnal surfaces.
(a)10°N·137°E, (b)20°N·137°E, (c)30°N·137°E, (d)10°N·165°E, (e)20°N·165°E, (f)30°N·165°E, (g)24°N·135°E, (h)24°N·150°E, (i)24°N·165°E
Values in parentheses denote the approximate depth in density.
Rate of Canth. between the sea surface and 27.2σθ
(a)10°N·137°E, (b)20°N·137°E, (c)30°N·137°E, (d)10°N·165°E, (e)20°N·165°E, (f)30°N·165°E, (g)24°N·135°E, (h)24°N·150°E, (i)24°N·165°E