MSC-BUL-08-033: 0000UTC on April 4, 2008 Subject: MTSAT-1R Spring Eclipse Operation during April 8 - 13, 2008. In connection with MTSAT-1R Spring Eclipse Operation, the distributions of following products are scheduled to be stopped, and some images might be distributed with chipping as listed below. April 8, 2008 - HRIT: N14 and F15; Possibility of chipping - HRIT: N15; Distribution stop - LRIT: D1-F15; Possibility of chipping - LRIT: PS-N15; Distribution stop April 9 and 10, 2008 - HRIT: F15 and N15; Distribution stop - LRIT: PS-F15, D1-F15 and PS-N15; Distribution stop April 11 to 13, 2008 - HRIT: F15; Distribution stop - HRIT: N15; Possibility of chipping - LRIT: PS-F15 and D1-F15; Distribution stop