MSC-BUL-11-078: 0700 UTC on September 26, 2011 Distribution stop of HRIT/LRIT on September 28, 2011 Maintenance for the MTSAT-2 system is scheduled from 12:35 UTC to 16:25 UTC on September 28, 2011. In connection with this, the following disseminations will be canceled: September 28 HRIT: F13, N13, F14, N14, F15, N15, F16 and N16 LRIT: PS-F13, D0-F13, D1-F13, PS-N13, PS-F14, D0-F14, D1-F14, PS-N14,        PS-F15, D0-F15, D1-F15, PS-N15, PS-F16, D0-F16, D1-F16 and PS-N16