MSC-BUL-12-026: 0700 UTC on March 22, 2012 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation from April 1-25, 2012 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation is scheduled from April 1-25, 2012. In connection with this, the following observations are cancelled, and parts of some images might be degradation by solar light as listed below: April 1, 2012 F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 2-6, 2012 N14: Observations is cancelled F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 7-9, 2012 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 10-11, 2012 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 12-18, 2012 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled April 19, 2012 N14: Observation is cancelled F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 20-24, 2012 N14 and F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 25, 2012 F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light