MSC-BUL-12-061: 0700 UTC on August 9, 2012 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation from August 16 to August 31, 2012 In connection with the MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation, dissemination of the following products are scheduled to be stopped, and parts of some images might be degradation by solar light as listed below: August 16-17, 2012 HRIT: F15; Possibility of degradation by solar light LRIT: PS-F15, D0-F15 and D1-F15; Possibility of degradation by solar light August 18-19, 2012 HRIT: N14 and F15; Possibility of degradation by solar light LRIT: PS-N14, PS-F15, D0-F15 and D1-F15; Possibility of degradation by solar light August 20, 2012 HRIT: F15; Dissemination stop HRIT: N14; Possibility of degradation by solar light LRIT: PS-F15, D0-F15 and D1-F15; Dissemination stop LRIT: PS-N14; Possibility of degradation by solar light August 21-30, 2012 HRIT: N14 and F15; Dissemination stop LRIT: PS-N14CPS-F15CD0-F15 and D1-F15; Dissemination stop August 31, 2012 HRIT: N14 and F15; Dissemination stop HRIT: F14 and N15; Possibility of degradation by solar light LRIT: PS-N14, PS-F15, D0-F15 and D1-F15; Dissemination stop LRIT: PS-F14, D0-F14, D1-F14 and PS-N15; Possibility of degradation by solar light