MSC-BUL-13-014: 0700 UTC on February 7, 2013 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation from February 14 to April 25, 2013 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation is scheduled from February 14 to April 25, 2013. In connection with this, the following observations are cancelled, and parts of some images might be degradation by solar light as listed below: February 14-21, 2013 F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light February 22 - March 7, 2013 F14 and F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light March 8-9, 2013 F14: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light March 10 - April 2, 2013 F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 3-7, 2013 N14: Observation is cancelled F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 8-9, 2013 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled F14 and N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 10, 2013 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled N15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 11-19, 2013 N14 and F15: Observations are cancelled April 20, 2013 N14: Observation is cancelled F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 21-24, 2013 N14 and F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light April 25, 2013 F15: Possibility of partial degradation by solar light