MSC-BUL-14-013: 0700 UTC on 6 February, 2014 MTSAT-2 Equinox Operation from 14 February to 25 April, 2014 MTSAT-2 equinox operation is scheduled to take place from 14 February to 25 April, 2014. As a result, the following observations will be cancelled and parts of some images may be adversely affected by solar light: 14-21 February, 2014 F15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 22 February - 7 March, 2014 F14 and F15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 8-9 March, 2014 F14: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 10 March - 2 April, 2014 F14 and N15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 3-7 April, 2014 N14: observations cancelled F14 and N15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 8-9 April, 2014 N14 and F15: observations cancelled F14 and N15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 10 April, 2014 N14 and F15: observations cancelled N15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 11-19 April, 2014 N14 and F15: observations cancelled 20 April, 2014 N14: observations cancelled F15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 21-24 April, 2014 N14 and F15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light 25 April, 2014 F15: possible partial deterioration due to solar light