MTSAT HRIT Sample Data

Non-Compressed Image Data

These "non-compressed image data" of HRIT are made up of raw data with its file header. These data can be used for verifying decompression of "compressed image data" (with lossless compression).

MTSAT-1R (140 degree east; August 12, 2011)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; June 15, 2010)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; May 25, 2010)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; May 17, 2010)

MTSAT-1R (140 degree east; May 30, 2005)

MTSAT-1R (TEST image; December 10, 2004)

Compressed Image Data (Lossless Compression)

These "compressed image data" of HRIT are made up of 1) lossless-compressed "raw data" portion of "non-compressed image data" mentioned above and 2) its file header. These data can be used for verifying decoding such as decompression of "compressed image data" (with lossless compression), and decoding "packetized data."

MTSAT-1R (140 degree east; August 12, 2011)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; June 15, 2010)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; May 25, 2010)

MTSAT-2 (145 degree east; May 17, 2010)

MTSAT-1R (140 degree east; May 30, 2005)

MTSAT-1R (TEST image; December 10, 2004)

Packetized Data (CADU)

These "packetized data" of HRIT are made from the above "compressed image data" by packetizing in accordance with the process provided for in the "JMA HRIT Mission Specific Implementation (Issue 1.2, 1 January, 2003)." Each "packetized data" are written in CADU (Channel Access Data Unit) format with ASM (Attached Synchronization Marker), and made up of CVCDU (Coded VCDU(Virtual Channel Data Unit)) which is the packetized "compressed image data", as well as Fill-CVCDU. CVCDU and Fill-CVCDU can be easily distinguished by utilizing the difference in their VCIDs (Virtual Channel IDs).
These "packetized data" can be used for verifying decoding process , by inputting into bit synchronization part of the data link layer.