Acronyms and Abbreviations
A | |
ABI | Advanced Baseline Imager (on the GOES-R satellite series) |
AHI | Advanced Himawari Imager (on Himawari-8 and Himawari-9) |
AMI | Advanced Meteorological Imager (on GEO-KOMPSAT-2A) |
AMV | Atmospheric Motion Vector |
AOT | Aerosol Optical Thickness |
AS | Antenna Site |
ASWinds | AMV-based Sea-surface Winds |
ATOVS | Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
B | |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for data Representation |
C | |
CGMS | Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellite |
CSR | Clear Sky Radiance |
D | |
DBNet | Direct Broadcast Network |
DC | Data Center |
DCP | Data Collection Platform |
DCS | Data Collection System |
DPC | Data Processing Center |
E | |
ESA | European Space Agency |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
F | |
FY | Feng Yun |
G | |
GARP | Global Atomospheric Reserch Programme |
GEO | Group on Earth Observations |
GEOSS | Global Earth Observation System of Systemseostationary Meteorological Satellite |
GMS | Geostationary Meteorological Satellite |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GOMS | Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite |
GSICS | Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System |
GTS | Global Telecommunication System |
H | |
HCAI | High-resolution Cloud Analysis Information |
HiRID | High Resolution Imager Data (HiRID dissemination was end at March 12, 2008) |
HIRS | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder |
HOPE | Himawari Operation Enterprise Corporation |
HRIT | High Rate Information Transmission |
HRPT | High Rate Picture Transmission |
HSD | Himawari Standard Data ( Observational imagery of Himawari-8/9 ) |
I | |
Imager | The instrument for imaging Earth's weather, ocean, and environment. |
IDCP | International DCP |
IR | Infrared |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
J | |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
JDDS | JMA Data Dissemination System |
JMA | Japan Meteorological Agency |
JMBSC | Japan Meteorological Business Support Center |
JST | Japan Standard Time |
K |
L | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LRIT | Low Rate Information Transmission |
LRPT | Low Rate Picture Transmission |
M | |
MANAM | Manual Amendment |
METEOSAT | Meteorological Satellite |
METOP | Meteorological Operational satellite |
MSC | Meteorological Satellite Center |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation |
MTG | Meteosat Third Generation |
MTSAT | Multi-functional Transport Satellite |
MTSAT-1R | Multi-functional Transport Satellite 1 Replacement |
N | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NIR | Near Infra-Red |
NMHS | National Meteorological and Hydrological Service |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
O | |
OSCAR | Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool |
P | |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative |
Q |
R | |
RDCP | Regional DCP |
RGB | red, green, blue |
RSMC | Regional Specialized Meteorological Center |
S | |
SST | Sea Surface Temperature |
S-VISSR | Stretched VISSR |
T | |
TCR (Imagery) | True Color Reproduction |
TIROS | Television Infrared Observation Satellite |
TOVS | TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder |
U | |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
V | |
VIS | Visible |
VISSR | Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer |
W | |
WEFAX | Weather Facsimile |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WV | Water Vapor |
WWW | World Weather Watch |
X |
Y |
Z |