Climate information (data and products) provided operationally for the general public and/or for specific information users
- Climate monitoring
- Long-term trends
URL of a portal website providing climate data/products.
II. Long-range forecast
Long-range forecast services (URL and language(s) used). Relevant forecasts, such as forecast for onset/end of rainy/dry season, drought advisory/warning and agrometeorological forecast, are also considered as services concerned.
Methods taken by NMHS to generate long-range forecast products (e.g., model and statistical application). (URLs and language(s) used) if relevant information is provided through the Internet.
Use of climate products provided by other NMHSs or meteorological institutes for long-range forecast
III. Climate Monitoring
Climate monitoring information (e.g., climate diagnostics including analysis of climate variability and extremes) (URLs and language(s) used). Regular climate monitoring reports can be listed here.
Publication of climate monitoring reports (bulletins)
Annual report (not on the web)
Information on severe weather events to news papers (not on the web)
IV. Climate Data Services
Historical climate data provided through the Internet (URL and language(s) used)
Digitization of historical climate data. If no, plan for digitization.
Yes, in MS Excel format.
Provision of climate data through the website with limited/unlimited access
All the data are free, but not available on the website, provided on request.
V. Regional Cooperation for the improvement of climate information services
Name(s) of Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) in which the NMHS participates
Provision of relevant information based on the consensus forecast at RCOF(s) to domestic users
VI. Climate Information users and utilization of information
Relationship with climate information users
There is a framework for cooperation with the following user sectors.
Agriculture, Water management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Energy resources, Health and welfare, Transportation
Use of climate information by user sector(s)
do not know
Method of provision of climate information
E-mail, TV and/or radio
Efforts/activities to enhance the utilization of climate information
- User Workshops
- Publicity and educational activities
VII. Case study/Best practices in the application of climate information