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Civil Aviation and Meteorological Authority, Yemen Meteorological Service
Update Information: December 2021
This page was created.
I. Overall climate information services
Climate information (data and products) provided operationally for the general public and/or for specific information users
Climate monitoring
Analysis and assessments based on historical data
Long-term trends
URL of a portal website providing climate data/products
II. Long-range forecast
Long-range forecast services
No information
Plan to provide long-range forecasting services in the future
No information
III. Climate Monitoring
Regular climate monitoring reports
No information
IV. Climate Data Services
Historical climate data provided through the Internet
No information
Digitization of historical climate data
Provision of climate data through the website with limited/unlimited access
No climate data are provided online.
V. Regional Cooperation for the improvement of climate information services
Name(s) of Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) in which the NMHS participates
VI. Climate Information users and utilization of information
Framework for cooperation with climate information user sectors
Water management
Disaster Risk Reduction
Energy resources
Health and welfare
How user sectors utilize climate information
Users in which sectors
Water management
Disaster Risk Reduction
Energy resources
Health and welfare
Universities +Researchers
Types of climate information utilized
Analysis and assessment based on historical data
Historical climate data
Triggers for climate information utilization
Publicity and educational activities
Collaborative research
Method of provision of climate information
Plan to provide new climate information
No information
Efforts/activities to enhance the utilization of climate information
No information
VII. Case study/Best practices in the application of climate information
1- Studies on Climate variability over mountain regeion
2- General view on Climate indices in coastal regeion
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