Monthly Report on Climate System Separated Volume No.12

--- About This Special Volume ---

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been issuing a series of report entitled 'Monthly Report on Climate System' since 1987 to provide meteorological services and research communities with information on current situations of the climate system, which is composed of the atmosphere, the oceans, the land surface, the cryosphere, and so on. This report mainly focuses on world climate, extratropical circulation, convective activity, oceanographic conditions and snow/ice coverage with a scale in time from 5-day to a decade.

JMA has been publishing the 'Monthly Report on Climate System Separated Volume' since 1997 when the No.1 issue was published.

This website of 'Separated Volume No.12' includes figures and binary data for "The Global Sea Surface Temperature Data (COBE-SST)".

Any question and suggestion relating to this website and 'Monthly Report on Climate System' may be directed to :

<address> Climate Prediction Division
Japan Meteorological Agency
1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 100-8122, JAPAN

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  2. The data source (Japan Meteorological Agency) should be properly acknowledged in any work obtained with this website.