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Ensemble Model Prediction
> Hindcast(JMA/MRI-CPS3)
Hindcast Configuration
Hindcast Verification
Deterministic score Maps
Variables to be Assessed: T2m, PSEA, SST, RAIN, Z500, T850, PSI200, PSI850, CHI200, CHI850
Diagonostic Measures:
Mean Square Skill Score(MSSS)
Anomaly Correation(ACOR)
Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)
Model Climatology
Probabilistic score Diagrams
Variables to be Assessed: T2m, PSEA, SST, RAIN, Z500, T850
Diagonostic Measures:
Reliability diagrams (Aggregated verification)
Relative Operating Characteristics(ROC) curve (Aggregated verification)
Event: Anomaly > 0, Below Normal, Near Normal, Above Normal, All
The 3 categories(above-normal, near-normal, below-normal) are defined by standard deviations of the analyzed 30 years time series at each grid point.
Probabilistic score Maps
Variables to be Assessed: T2m, PSEA, SST, RAIN, Z500, T850
Diagonostic Measures:
Relative Operating Characteristics(ROC) areas (Grid point verification)
Event: Anomaly > 0, Below Normal, Near Normal, Above Normal, All
The 3 categories(above-normal, near-normal, below-normal) are defined by standard deviations of the analyzed 30 years time series at each grid point.
Time-series Circulation Index
SST Index score
ENSO Index time-series
Hindcast Maps
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Tokyo Climate Center, Climate Prediction Division.
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