Himawari-8, -9/AHI IR Inter-Calibration with AIRS, IASI and CrIS

Graph condition
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Statistics for GSICS Correction

  • TB difference
  • Regression coef.

Geo Data

Band7 (3.9 µm)
Band8 (6.2 µm)
Band9 (6.9 µm)
Band10 (7.3 µm)
Band11 (8.6 µm)
Band12 (9.6 µm)
Band13 (10.4 µm)
Band14 (11.2 µm)
Band15 (12.4 µm)
Band16 (13.3 µm)

Leo Data

  • all am pm
  • all am pm
  • all am pm
  • all am pm
  • all am pm
  • all am pm

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  • Himawari-9/AHI results include its in-orbit test data in February 2017 and other non-operational observations (e.g., health check) in the following stand-by period.
  • GSICS Re-Analysis Correction information derived using a smoothing period t-14d to t+14 (where t is the validity date) is available on this page.
  • New references (i.e., Metop-C/IASI and NOAA-20/CrIS) and an update of the inter-calibration algorithm were applied in October 2023 (and reprocessed back to September 2022). The latter mainly reduces AHI Band07 biases vs. IASI.
  • Please be aware that the results of AHI Band07 vs. CrIS, Band08 vs. AIRS, and Band11 vs. CrIS/AIRS have larger uncertaintes due to wide spectral gaps between AHI and the reference sensors. Daytime data for Band07 is not included in the analysis. For further details on Himawari-8,9/AHI infrared inter-calibration in terms of the methods and how to read the charts on this page, please refer to the GSICS Infrared Inter-calibration Guide.
  • The results of AHI vs. S-NPP/CrIS is based on the CrIS FSR mode data from August 2020. The reference was NSR mode data before that.