Japan Korea Cambodia India Nepal Sri Lanka Maldives Lao PDR Pakistan Afghanistan Iran Thailand Viet Nam Russia Mongolia Myanmar United Arab Emirates Qatar Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Bahrain Macao Hong Kong Bhutan Yemen

Update Information
31 January 2022:
[Afghanistan] [India]
[Mongolia] [Myanmar]
28 December 2021:
[Bahrain] [Hong Kong, China]
[Japan] [Qatar]
[Republic of Korea] [Russian Federation]
[United Arab Emirates] [Yemen]

About this website

  This website is operated by the Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) to improve climate services provided by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs). Such improvement is based on the sharing of related experience and information on good practices in the application of climate data in fields such as agriculture, health and water management. More >>>

Climate Services provided by WMO RA II Member NMHSs

Select a Member to display a list of related climate services in a new window.

- Afghanistan - Bahrain
- Bangladesh* - Bhutan
- Cambodia - China*
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea* - Hong Kong, China
- India - Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Iraq* - Japan
- Kazakhstan - Kuwait*
- Kyrgyzstan* - Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Macao, China - Maldives
- Mongolia - Myanmar
- Nepal - Oman*
- Pakistan - Qatar
- Republic of Korea - Russian Federation
- Saudi Arabia* - Sri Lanka
- Tajikistan* - Thailand
- Turkmenistan* - United Arab Emirates
- Uzbekistan - Viet Nam
- Yemen
* No answer to the questionnaire (as of January 2022)
・ A questionnaire distributed to RA II NMHSs can be downloaded here

- WMO RA II Regional Climate Center
- Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
- WMO Regional Climate Outlook Forum (RCOF)
- WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific
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