About Usage of the Data

NEAR-GOOS RRTDB provides free and unrestricted access to all the available data based on the IOC oceanographic data exchange policy.

Most of the GPVs provided here are preliminary estimations. Please check the updated data available later.

While RRTDB provides near-real-time and operational data update, it has no responsibility for delay or corruption of data.

If you use the data in your paper or website, please acknowledge data sources as "NEAR-GOOS RRTDB".

User Registration

User registration is unnecessary to access our database.
The database is acquired via HTTP and HTTPS without user ID/password. File lists under the database are open to access in order to improve usability including wget data download. Please see it at https://www.data.jma.go.jp/goos/data/pub.

User Guide

  • NEAR-GOOS RRTDB Data Acquisition Tutorial [PDF]
    It shows the way of the web data acquisition and on the command line data acquisition.
  • NEAR-GOOS RRTDB Directory Structure [PDF]
    It shows the directory of the NEAR-GOOS RRTDB where GPV files, imagery files, and in-situ data files are stored.

  • Please contact data administrator if you have any questions.