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HOME > Application for Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products

Application for Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products

As a WMO Regional Climate Center, the Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) provides its Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products for the western North Pacific to support WMO Members in the Asia/Pacific region through the TCC website.

The Products are numerical prediction outputs based on the seasonal ensemble prediction system of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The Products do not include any comments or explanations by forecasters from TCC. Users are assumed to be experts from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services who can properly use the Products.

Please read the Conditions of Use outlined below before applying to JMA to access the Products. JMA will review applications and, if accepted, issue ID and password.
Please note that JMA accepts applications from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services only.

Link to the Products

Conditions of Use

  1. Users should provide user information including name, affiliation, e-mail address and purpose of data use.
  2. Users should not distribute the Products to any third party without JMA's prior consent. Use of the Products for any commercial purposes is also prohibited.
  3. The source of the Products should be duly acknowledged in scientific or technical papers, publications, press releases or other communications regarding the Products.
  4. Users should provide JMA with a copy of their scientific or technical papers, publications, press releases or other communications regarding the Products.

* An account inactive for over 3 years may be deleted after notification.

Application Form

Please enter the following items (Name, Affiliation, Address of affiliation, E-mail address and Purpose of use) in your e-mail and send to with "Application for Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products" as the subject.
A guidance mail will be sent to the applied e-mail address within a few days.

  1. First name:    Last name:
  2. Affiliation:
  3. Address of affiliation:
  4. E-mail address:
  5. Purpose of use:

  1. First name: Tarou    Last name: KISHOU
  2. Affiliation: Climate Prediction Division, Atmosphere and Ocean Department, Japan Meteorological Agency
  3. Address of affiliation: 3-6-9 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan
  4. E-mail address:
  5. Purpose of use: Producing seasonal forecast for domestic users.  (Simply giving "study" or "research" is not acceptable)

Contact Address


Please note that although JMA has paid the closest attention to produce the Products, JMA assumes no responsibility regarding the reliability of the Products. JMA is not responsible to you for any damage that may be caused by the use of the Products on this site. JMA may change or delete the information on this site without any prior notice. JMA is not responsible for any inconvenience that may be caused by such changes or deletion of the information of the site.

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Tokyo Climate Center, Climate Prediction Division.
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