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Climate Analysis |  Climate Prediction |  Statistics |  For NMHSs |  Others

Climate Analysis

Target Period Update Date Contents [Descriptions]
Daily Asian Monsoon Monitoring   [ desc ]
  Animation maps:  Asian region ,   Global area ,   Northern Hemisphere ,   Southern Hemisphere
   Time-Longitude cross section
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Monitoring  [ desc ]
Stratospheric Circulation Monitoring  [ desc ]
Week Wednesday Weekly Report on Global Extreme Climate Events   [ desc ]
10-day and half-month 1st, 11th, 16th and 21st of the months Regional map for 10-day/Half-monthly Temperature and Precipitation
Month around 9th ClimatView [ desc ]
 a tool for viewing monthly surface climate data
around 10th El Niño Monitoring    [ desc ]
El Niño Monitoring Indices   [ desc ]
Indian Ocean Dipole Monitoring Indices   [ desc ]
around 15th Monthly Report over Japan
Monthly Report on Global Extreme Climate Events   [ desc ]
Monthly Anomalies of Global Average Surface Temperature   [ desc ]
   Jan.   Feb.   Mar.   Apr.   May   Jun.   Jul.   Aug.   Sep.   Oct.   Nov.   Dec.  
Monthly Highlihts on Climate System    [ desc ]
Season around 15th on March, June, September and December Seasonal Report over Japan
Seasonal Report on Global Extreme Climate Events   [ desc ]
Seasonal Anomalies of Global Average Surface Temperature   [ desc ]
   Winter   Spring   Summer   Autumn  
Year around 14th January Annual Report on Global Extreme Climate Events   [ desc ]
Annual Anomalies of Global Average Surface Temperature   [ desc ]
around the end of March Pacific Decadal Oscillation   [ desc ]
around October Climate Change Monitoring Report

Climate Analysis |  Climate Prediction |  Statistics |  For NMHSs |  Others

Climate Prediction

Target Forecast Period Update Date Contents [Descriptions]
Two weeks Everyday Two-week Temperature Forecast for Japan
Every Monday and Thursday Early Warning Information on Extreme Weather for Japan
One-month Every Thursday One-month Outlook for Japan  ( Calendar )  [ Notes ]
Ensemble prediction for One-month    [ desc ]
   Northern Hemisphere Maps ,    Tropics and Asia Maps ,    Verification Maps
Three-month around the 20th Ensemble Prediction for Three-month    [ desc ]
   Northern Hemisphere Maps ,   Tropics and Asia Maps ,   Verification Maps
Probabilistic Forecast for Three-month
   Global Map ,   Asia Map
SST Index Time-series for Three-month
around the 25th Three-month Outlook for Japan  ( Calendar )  [ Notes ]
Monthly Discussion on Seasonal Climate Outlooks
Warm and Cold Season around 25th of February and September Warm/Cold Season Outlook for Japan   ( Calendar )  [ Notes ]
Ensemble Prediction for Warm/Cold Season    [ desc ]
   Nothern Hemisphere Maps ,   Tropics and Asia Maps ,   Verification Maps
Probabilistic Forecast for Warm/Cold Season
   Global Map ,   Asia Map
SST Index Time-series for Warm and Cold Season
Six-month around the 10th El Niño Monitoring and Outlook   [ model desc ]

Climate Analysis |  Climate Prediction |  Statistics |  For NMHSs |  Others


Category Contents [Descriptions]
Surface Climate Normals Monthly normals for Global map [ desc ]
Monthly normals data for each station
Relationship between Tropical Indices and Atmospheric Circulation Impacts of El Niño/La Niña and Indian Ocean Dipole Events on the Global Climate [ desc ]
Composite map for El Niño/La Niña and Indian Ocean Dipole events [ desc ]
Hindcast Verification of Ensemble Prediction System One-month Prediction [ desc ]
Three-month Prediction [ desc ]
Warm/Cold Season Prediction [ desc ]
Hindcast Verification of Probabilistic Forecasts Verification of Three-month Prediction
Verification of Warm/Cold Season Prediction

Climate Analysis |  Climate Prediction |  Statistics |  For NMHSs  |  Others

For National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS)

   Only registered NMHSs staff can access these products and tool.
Target Forecast Period Update Date Contents [Descriptions]
Two weeks Every Thursday Forecast Products in Support of Early Warnings for Extreme Weather Events
(Password Protected)
One-month Every Thursday One-month Guidance Tool (Password Protected), Commentary
Three-month Every Monday Three-month Guidance Tool [Experimental] (Password Protected), Commentary
One-month Every Thursday Download Gridded Data File
(Password Protected)
Three-month around the 17th
Warm and Cold Season around 25th of February and September
Active tropical cyclone season (from June to October) around 20th of every month from May to August Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products
(Password Protected)
iTacs iTacs (Interactive Tool for Analysis of the Climate System)
  a web-based application to assist NMHSs to analyses extreme climate events and to monitor climate status


Category Contents [Descriptions]
Climate Change
Global Warming Projection
Volume 1   (Aug. 1996)   Volume 2   (Aug. 1998)  
Volume 3   (Aug. 1999)   Volume 4   (Sep. 2001)  
Volume 5   (Sep. 2003)   Volume 6   (Jul. 2005)  
Volume 7   (Sep. 2008)   Volume 8   (Apr. 2014)  
Training Modules Training Modules
Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) Abstracts and Presentations at RCOFs
TCC News No. 1 (Jul 2005)    No. 2 (Oct 2005)
No. 3 (Jan 2006)    No. 4 (Apr 2006)    No. 5 (Jul 2006)    No. 6 (Oct 2006)
No. 7 (Jan 2007)    No. 8 (Apr 2007)    No. 9 (Jul 2007)    No. 10 (Oct 2007)
No. 11 (Jan 2008)    No. 12 (Spring 2008)    No. 13 (Summer 2008)    No. 14 (Autumn 2008)
No. 15 (Winter 2009)    No. 16 (Spring 2009)    No. 17 (Summer 2009)    No. 18 (Autumn 2009)
No. 19 (Winter 2010)    No. 20 (Spring 2010)    No. 21 (Summer 2010)    No. 22 (Autumn 2010)
No. 23 (Winter 2011)    No. 24 (Spring 2011)    No. 25 (Summer 2011)    No. 26 (Autumn 2011)
No. 27 (Winter 2012)    No. 28 (Spring 2012)    No. 29 (Summer 2012)    No. 30 (Autumn 2012)
No. 31 (Winter 2013)    No. 32 (Spring 2013)    No. 33 (Summer 2013)    No. 34 (Autumn 2013)
No. 35 (Winter 2014)    No. 36 (Spring 2014)    No. 37 (Summer 2014)    No. 38 (Autumn 2014)
No. 39 (Winter 2015)    No. 40 (Spring 2015)    No. 41 (Summer 2015)    No. 42 (Autumn 2015)
No. 43 (Winter 2016)    No. 44 (Spring 2016)    No. 45 (Summer 2016)    No. 46 (Autumn 2016)
No. 47 (Winter 2017)    No. 48 (Spring 2017)    No. 49 (Summer 2017)    No. 50 (Autumn 2017)
No. 51 (Winter 2018)    No. 52 (Spring 2018)    No. 53 (Summer 2018)    No. 54 (Autumn 2018)
No. 55 (Winter 2019)    No. 56 (Spring 2019)    No. 57 (Summer 2019)    No. 58 (Autumn 2019)
No. 59 (Winter 2020)    No. 60 (Spring 2020)    No. 61 (Summer 2020)    No. 62 (Autumn 2020)   
No. 63 (Winter 2021)    No. 64 (Spring 2021)    No. 65 (Summer 2021)    No. 66 (Autumn 2021)   
No. 67 (Winter 2022)    No. 68 (Spring 2022)    No. 69 (Summer 2022)    No. 70 (Autumn 2022)   
No. 71 (Winter 2023)    No. 72 (Spring 2023)    No. 73 (Summer 2023)    No. 74 (Autumn 2023)   
No. 75 (Winter 2024)    No. 76 (Spring 2024)   
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TCC Activity Report 2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014
2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022

Tokyo Climate Center, Climate Prediction Division.
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