Long-range forecast services (URL and language(s) used). Relevant forecasts, such as forecast for onset/end of rainy/dry season, drought advisory/warning and agrometeorological forecast, are also considered as services concerned.
Methods taken by NMHS to generate long-range forecast products (e.g., model and statistical application). (URLs and language(s) used) if relevant information is provided through the Internet.
JMA operates two types of dynamical numerical ensemble prediction models. One is an atmospheric general circulation model named “Global Ensemble Prediction System” for Early Warning Information on Extreme Weather, Two-week Temperature Forecast, and One-month Forecast. The other is a coupled ocean-atmospheric general circulation model named "Seasonal Ensemble Prediction System" for Three-month and warm/cold season Forecast including El Niño outlooks. Their detailed specifications are on the TCC website at https://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/model/outline/index.html.
In addition, statistical models are also used based on Model Output Statistics (MOS) techniques in generation of forecast products.
Use of climate products provided by other NMHSs or meteorological institutes for long-range forecast
III. Climate Monitoring
Climate monitoring information (e.g., climate diagnostics including analysis of climate variability and extremes) (URLs and language(s) used). Regular climate monitoring reports can be listed here.
Digitization of historical climate data. If no, plan for digitization.
Provision of climate data through the website with limited/unlimited access
Almost all dataset provided via JMA/TCC website are unlimitedly accessible and free of charge, whereas JRA-55 dataset and several gridded long-range forecast products are accessible to only registered users.
V. Regional Cooperation for the improvement of climate information services
Name(s) of Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) in which the NMHS participates
Provision of relevant information based on the consensus forecast at RCOF(s) to domestic users
VI. Climate Information users and utilization of information
There is a framework for cooperation with the following user sectors.
Agriculture, Water Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Energy resources, Health, Transportation
Use of climate information by user sector(s)
- User sector(s) which use(s) climate information
No information
- Used climate information
No information
- Triggers for climate information utilization
No information
Method of provision of climate information
Online, E-mail, TV
Plans to provide user sectors with new types of climate information
No information
Efforts/activities to enhance the utilization of climate information
- Meetings for discussions with information users
JMA conducts meetings with private weather companies focusing on the utilization of seasonal forecasts.
- Explanatory meetings for information users
JMA conducts explanatory meetings with agricultural specialists/advisors of local governments.
- User workshops
JMA conducts user workshops with private sectors such as agriculture, energy, insurance, retailing, etc. to promote utilization of climate information and to share good practices and lessons learned.
JMA conducts collaborative researches with various user sectors to develop best practices of climate information utilization. More detailed information can be found at the following pages.
A consortium was established in Japan to promote utilization of various weather and climate-related data in business fields, and JMA actively assists this activity. More detailed information can be found at the following page.